Thursday 9 May 2013

Horror films, greatest horror and dark the novel


This blog is my personal opinion of horror and to advertise my new soon to be publish novel entitled DARK.

All of my life since i was 13 i have been a massive horror fan. I believe horror should include 3 main forms, i call the triple S: Suspense, Shock and Storyline. I have been through many horror stages, starting at 13 when i watched George Romero's night of the living dead, I loved the story, suspense and the shock factor, this started off my obsession of horror which now is a daily obsession which seems to help everyday life. I later proceeded into Japanese horror, Italian gore, comedy horror and even banned horror.

The greatest achievements in the triple S forms have included The Shining, Evil Dead, The Thing, Jaws and The Omen. All of these horror films are usually voted the greatest horror films of all time. This is difficult to achieve, for example most modern horror movies can't seem to grasp this process. In modern horror i can only think of SAW the original seems to get close, many others come close but horror fans are just waiting for that special horror film which has all triple S forms with ease. Is it computer generated techniques or lack of imagination? In the shining the main character seems to achieve 2 of the main S forms and off course Stephen King as most times has created a top storyline. Evil Dead directed by the great Sam Raimi has achieved all 3 in a matter of just 10 minutes.

My novel has been created from spending far too much time indoors by myself, deep subconscious thoughts and obviously horror influences. Whether i have created the 3 main key points to making it a great horror is peoples opinion, i believe i have achieved this but you decide.

                                                                    Stop Talking (2005)

My biro pen artwork which always seems to be updated has been created from deep subconscious thoughts, i have studied art and different techniques in many years including sculpture, oil paints and computer generated images but i believe for me a simple biro pen and paper creates a more raw urban true feeling to a person.

White Face (2007)

The biro pen process begins as i almost watch the biro pen do thbe work for me, no thoughts seems to go through my mind or wanting to draw anything specific. In all my art studying days there always had to be a deep consept to all artwork, but i feel this biro process of watching the image been created seems to capture deep thoughts. I have studied councelling in the past and can see what thoughts i was going through, whether childhood thoughts, to date thoughts or even future thoughts.

The above biro pen drawing was made a day after i found out i was adopted and met my sister for the first time, i started a blank face which represented myself. Punishment and a confused background was the feeling i went through.

Two evil eyes (2011)

1315 (2012)

This image was created around 7am after waking-up. The screw in the eye simply represented my morning feeling that day. Screws in the chest area is my fear of a heart attack which i have had regular dreams about.

Please feel free to comment or visit my website to browse alot more drawings, read the first few pages of DARK the novel or even email me at if you have a poem or short story you wish to promote on my site.


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